jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

Random thoughts

Chivalry is not a way to keep you down.

I know you can open the car door yourself.

I know you don’t need me to stand up to greet you: you can lean over.

I know you know you are beautiful, and I don’t mean to startle you o make you uncomfortable every time I say so.

Yes, I know it’s cheesy, but I’d rather get frostbitten than watch you shiver.

Wanting to see you is not a way to control you.

I know that once you made up your mind you are indeed with me and only me.

I know also that my days are that much brighter spent with you.

Yes, you need your space, and so do I, but mine is wider when spent with you.

No, I have not forgotten everyone and everything else: it’s just that everything is lagging a little bit behind you.

No, I still don’t get used to you being ‘devoured’ by eyes other than mine.

I’m trying, I haven’t gotten there yet.

My plans are still intact and I plan, with every piece of my heart, to make them happen.

However, it is nearly impossible to disassociate. I don’t want to be happy all alone.

Because, let’s face it, I cannot be completely happy alone. No one can. This is true before and after you.

I do think in pairs know. I’m part of a team.

I wish I knew (although I do know) that my teammate has my back.

Promise, I do, to never give up on what I want the most.

The tricky part though, is that what I want the most has been changing lately. It has a face and a name.

But nevertheless, I have to be happy first to make my happiness happy. Yes, you read well. So I won’t give up on things my happiness wants for me.

Hopefully one day I can say for us. Correct that: hope I can continue to say ‘for us’.

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